Monday, May 24, 2010

1. Experiences in the workplace
Many women were discriminated against at work. Many women were paid less even when they were doing to same job.

2. Experiences in social activism
Women started to see that not only was there inequality between the black and white but also among men and women.

3. "Consciousness raising"
Many women formed groups in order to discuss their thoughts about how woman were discriminated against.

4. Feminism
"The belief that women should have economic, political, and social equality with men."

5. Betty Friedan and The Feminine Mystique
Betty Friedan was a woman who wrote a book called The Feminine Mistique. A book which talked about the troubles woman went through.

6. Civil Rights Act of 1964
A law that prohibated businesses from discriminating against people based on their gendre, race or religion.

7. National Organization for Women (NOW)
Many women felt that their needs weren't being adequately addressed by other feminist groups so a few women started a group called NOW. They addressed issues like child care so that women could get an education or a job.

8. Gloria Steinem and Ms. Magazine
Gloria Steinem created a magizine called Ms. Magazine. This magazine addressed popular issues from the perspective of women.

9. Congress
Congress banned all colleges from segrigating their schools based on gender.

10. Supreme Court
Row Vs. Wade gave women the right to choose if they wanted to have an abortion within 3 months of their pregnancy.

11. The Equal rights Amendment would have guaranteed equal rights under the law, regardless of gender. Who opposed this amendment? Why?
Many people were against the amendment because they thought it might lead to same sex mariage or the end of the father's responsibily to support the family. Many were also against abortion.

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