Thursday, October 29, 2009

1. Why did American plantation owners and U.S. Marines topple Hawaii’s queen in 1893? Why was Hawaii considered to be a valuable prize? What was President Grover Cleveland’s reaction? Do you agree or disagree with his quote on page 1?
-U.S. Plantation owners (with the help of the U.S. Marines) took over the Hawaiian government because they wanted to put Hawaii under American power.
-Hawaii was half way between the U.S. and Asia therefore a perfect place for american ships to stop and refuel. It also had rich soil and was excelant for planting coffee, pineapple and sugar.
-The new government of Hawaii (the one that had reccently just took over) offered a peace treaty with the United State and president Clevland refused to sign the treaty because he believed it "would corrupt traditional american values" and that Hawaii had been unjustly robbed of its queen.
-I agree with Cleveland.
2. Identify five important changes that transformed American in the nineteenth century. How did these five changes affect Americans?

- Increase in urban population: became crowded and had poor transportation, sanitation, and crime.
-Increase in immigration: the american population became composed of many different ethnic groups this cause a lot of discrimination but also help to influence a lot of what american culture is today (the melting pot)
-1893 Economic Depression: many americans realized how "vulnerable they were in an economy based on industry and manufacturing.
-The end of westward expantion: american longed for new territory to explore and colonize.

3. How did the economic depression that began in 1893 deepen the divisions in American society? Which groups suffered the most during the depression?

The 1893 depression deepened the division in american society because it affected a specific group of people, businessmen and laborers whereas farmers were relatively unaffected.

4. What were the values many Americans attached to the frontier? Why did many Americans fear that the closing of the frontier would harm America’s national character?

Americans asosiated the frontier with several values: resourcefulness, bravery, pragmatism, ingenuity, individualism, egalitarianism, and patriotism.
Americans felt that if they lost the frontier they would also loose these vallues and the world would also see the U.S. as lacking all these virtues.

5. Why did some Americans suggest greater involvement overseas?

Some americans wanted greater involvement overseas because the pacific island were perfect for planting curtain crops that would not grow in america. Others wanted it because America would gain military power (by having naval bases all over the world).

6. What policy did expansionists say would ensure the economic success of the United States? What did imperialists say?
The Monroe Doctrine.

7. How did the theories of social Darwinism and scientific racism lend support to the cause of American imperialism? How were these pseudo-scientific theories used to justify racist policies and imperialism? Are they still used today?

Imperialists used racist excuses to take over countries such as Hawaii, Cuba and the Philippines. They said that it was americas obligation to control these countries because the native people were not civilized enough to do so themselves.

8. What did many Protestant churches say was America’s role in the world?

To spread christianity to the rest of the world.

9. Why did the United States become involved in several Latin American nations in the nineteenth century? Summarize why the United States became involved in Samoa, Hawaii, and other Latin American nations.

Because it was relitively easy to do so, most of these nations were under the Spanish Empire, which at this time in history was dying, and the islands themselves had no military of there own. Also many of these nations thought that if america liberated them from Spain that they would be given independence.

10. Why was the United States concerned about British involvement in Venezuela? What concept did U.S. Secretary of State Richard Olney invoke in response?

Olney was worried that if any European nation took over Venizuela that america would loose control over south america which had great amounts of gold and other useful resources.

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