Andrew Carnegie: A man who came to this country with next to nothing but by the time he was 40 he owned most of the steel industry. He became famous for that story. It soon became the classic american story that if you have motivation and are hard working you can work your way to become anything you want.
Social Darwinism: The belief that competition in many forms (between nations, companies, and individuals) helps society grow and become stronger.
John D. Rockefeller: Established the Standard Oil Company and by using trust agreements, eventually gained control of nearly the entire oil industry.
Sherman Antitrust Act: it banned the use of trust agreements because the government believed that the millionaires were interfering with free trade between other states and countries.
Samuel Gompers: Founded the American Federation of Labour.
American Federation of Labor (AFL): Was for over 50 years the largest group of labour unions in the United States. Founded by Samuel Gompers.
Industrial Workers of the World: Another group of labour unions.
Mary Harris Jones: Often refered to as "Mother" Jones. Died at age 100.
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