- Many of the immigrants coming to America came here for several different reasons. One is that they were trying to escape problems back in their homelands, such as famine, disease, land shortages, religious or political prosecution. Another reason is that the (somewhat false) information that America was a prospering nation full of opportunities and wealth had spread all over the globe. And at a time when many European nations had begun to reach their limits America had just begun its expansion into a vast , relatively uninhabited land. And the resources in America were no where near a shortage. Many immigrants saw this opportunity and decided to either move permanently to the states or to move there temporarily, earn some money then return to their homeland.
2. Describe the journey immigrants endured and their experiences at United States immigration stations.
- Immigrants were discriminated against. It was tough times in america and in places like New England where there were dense populations and a large percentage of immigrants, the surge of new inhabitants was not welcome. One reason for this was that it made it hard for existing laborers to go on strike, for as soon as they showed any hint of unionizing or striking the factory would fire them and simply replace them with immigrants, who were probably willing to work for even less. Another reason is that most immigrants came to America with hardly anything. They were seen as poor and dirty, which in most cases wasn't entirely untrue. They were also from an entirely different culture in many cases. For instance the Chinese in the west had come from a culture that, for the most part, not only didn't speak English but wasn't even Christian. Americans found it hard not to discriminate against a people who had so little in common with them.